Method for Extracting Input-output Coupling Coefficient of Cross-coupled Microwave Filter 交叉耦合微波滤波器输入/输出耦合系数抽取方法
By using the green input-output table of Kunming, the water price, pollution control effect and concatenation coefficient were analyzed. 用昆明市实际的绿色投入产出表对滇池流域作了连锁系数分析、水价格分析和污染治理对其他行业的影响分析等。
The nonlinear response in the bistable system with a random binary signal by adding the variable amount of noise is studied, and the input-output cross-correlation coefficient is measured. 研究了噪声和随机二进制信号同时激励双稳系统时的输出响应,并测量了输入输出互相关系数。
With the input-output tables, the author analyzed the relationship of economy in Fujian from the angle of direct consumption coefficient and complete consumption coefficient. 从福建投入产出表的直接消耗系数和完全消耗系数角度,对福建经济依存关系进行动态分析。
This paper analyzes the mutual relation of regional leading industries with the input-output method, and selects the regional leading industry by using the model and formula of responsibility coefficient and influence coefficient. Such approach is the important method and basis to the choice of regional leading industry. 运用投入产出法分析区域主导产业的关联情况并利用产业感应度系数和影响力系数的模型公式选择区域主导产业,是进行区域主导产业选择的重要方法和依据。
It can input and output data about Input-Output, and create Input-Output table, direct consuming coefficient table, and complete consuming coefficient table by computation. 还具有投入产出相关数据的输入输出、统计、生成投入产出表、直接消耗系数和完全消耗系数功能。
In this paper, the author proposes a brief, easy and significant method for solving regulation of input-output coefficient system when produce rank changes in input-output table, and the method is proved in mathematics. 本文给出在投入产出表中产品次序发生变化时,投入产出系数系统进行调整的简便易行的方法,并给出数学证明。
This paper discusses how to calculate and analyze the input-output multipliers induced by the resident section, when applying input-output and simple input-output multiplier method, and gives a way to calculate multipliers induced by the resident section with extended direct consumption coefficient matrix. 对如何以投入产出模型和简单的投入产出乘数为基础,计算和分析居民部门诱发的投入产出乘数问题作了探讨,提出了以扩展直接消耗系数矩阵计算居民部门诱发乘数的方法。
The sixth chapter end up this paper, it draws a conclusion: the input-output mathematics model can be improved through mathematics research to the input and output method, the input-output coefficient can be Simultaneously amended; 第六章是论文的结束部分。论文的结论是:通过数学方法对投入产出法进行改进研究,可以优化投入产出数学模型,修正适时编制投入产出表时的投入和产出系数;
Input-Output Analysis of Water Resources Consumption and Water Input Coefficient in National Economic Sectors: the Fifth of Researching Report Series on Input-Output Tables of 2002 国民经济各部门水资源消耗及用水系数的投入产出分析&2002年投入产出表系列分析报告之五
Using relevant information of Input-output table, we rearrange and calculate "the direct consumption coefficient" and "the direct distribution coefficient" for the 26 manufacturing sub-sectors, to measure FDI forward and backward linkages effect. 结合投入产出表相关信息,本文重新整理计算适合26个制造业细分行业使用的直接消耗系数和直接分配系数,用以测度外商直接投资行业间前后向关联效应。
It was concluded that cultivation had significant economies of scale, but the moderate size, input-output ratio, profit balance coefficient and feasibility index varied obviously among the species. 结果表明种植、养殖业都有明显的规模经济性,但不同品种在适度规模、产投比、利益平衡系数、可行性指数方面差异明显。
With the use of input-output algorithm obtain direct consumption coefficient snow industry entirely technical and economic factors such as consumption coefficient. 运用投入产出算法求得冰雪产业的直接消耗系数、完全消耗系数等技术经济系数。
Thirdly, using the input-output method, this part defines the producer service basing on the intermediate demand, and applies response coefficient and influence coefficient to analyze the reason of producer service expansion from industrial perspective. 第三,应用投入产出法,基于中间需求率对与制造业相关的生产性服务业进行了界定,基于产业关联视角,运用感应度系数和影响力系数分析生产性服务业壮大的原因。
Simplified student flow input-output table has been formed, from which basic information and interrelated coefficient mending problems have been analyzed. 通过构建简化型学生流量投入产出表,分析了该表提供的基本信息及相关系数的改进问题。
The paper determines a series of input-output coefficient during the last ten years, the coefficient can measure own change of commercial circulation and the change of other sectors of the national economy caused by commercial circulation. At the same time we analyze the change on time dimension. 通过一系列投入产出系数指标测定十年来商贸流通业的自身变化和由其引起的国民经济其他部门的变动状况,同时将这种变化状况落实在时间维度上加以深入分析。
Then according to the data of the table, the various input-output coefficients are calculated, including direct consumption coefficient, complete consumption coefficient, direct distribution coefficient, complete distribution coefficient, influence coefficient and sense degree coefficient, and each of them are analyzed. 然后根据该表数据,计算其各项投入产出系数,并逐一对他们进行分析,这些系数包括直接消耗系数、完全消耗系数、直接分配系数、完全分配系数、影响力系数和感应度系数。